About Us
Senso Kids is a sensory facility, dedicated to children and only children. Sensory introduces the child to the world of smells, textures, colors, sounds and flavors. It is the development of creativity and creative thinking by stimulating all senses: sense of smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Sensory games shape normal motor and mental development. They allow you to segregate, organize and combine individual stimuli flowing into the brain Thanks to them, the child is balanced, focused and much better controls his movements and behavior. Our team is made up of professionals, experienced teachers, passionate people with extensive professional and general knowledge. We focus on finding individuality in each child. Our Interior is designed specifically for children, it has a friendly atmosphere, and always has an attending staff.

Our Goal
To arouse cognitive curiosity, bold and encouraging to express one's own thoughts and feelings, building faith in one's own strength and ability to succeed; activating and developing imagination and fantasy, learning how to overcome all difficulties, cognitive, motor, emotional and social development, fully preparing children for "work" and functioning in a group. We have a variety of teaching aids to support the development of the child. Schedule of classes adapted to the needs and abilities of the child and parent. 1 hour of classes dedicated only to your child. We also encourage you to take part in Group Classes: Working in groups of 4-5 people (adjusted to the abilities of each child) learning how to interact with peers.

Sensory Integration
What is sensory integration? The creator of Sensory Integration was the American psychologist and occupational therapist Dr. Anna Jean Ayres, who devoted her entire life to observing and investigating the causes of sensory integration disorders and how to deal with problems. Sensory integration is a process by which the brain segregates, recognizes, interprets and combines information received from all senses. In most children, this process proceeds naturally, during typical activities for a given stage of development. n some children, the integration process is not progressing properly or is not developing sufficiently. In this group of children, there may be problems in development, learning and even behavioral problems.